When it comes to electronic-focused record labels, you can't get much better than Warp. Founded in 1989, the independent is still going strong and with a solid two decades under its belt, why not celebrate?
The not-quite-legal company is going global with a number of festivities (New York, Tokyo, London, Paris, and other cities will host events) and also doing a whole bunch of stuff on the Web to make sure every fan and newcomer alike is welcome and taken care of at the party. The first online celebration is Warp20.net, a site which, somewhat hilariously, asks listeners to rank what they think the Best Warp Track of All Time Is. (Two bucks says Boards of Canada's "Roygbiv," which is at the top slot as of this posting, stays there until the poll closes.)
We'll give you the lowdown on the b-day shindigs themselves once we receive more definite information, but know that if you're Paris in early May, New York in July, Sheffield in August, London in September, or Tokyo in November, Warp will accommodate you. Otherwise, support the beacon of electronic independence on the Web and buy up some classic releases to reconnect with the admirable institution.
僕もsquarepusherやboards of canadaなど好きなのでwarpもやっぱり好きって事です。