June 14, 2009
who is the blind man?
"The blind pianist" ,Nobuyuki Tsujii won a top prize of Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.
He was the youngest pianist in the competition, as well as its first winners from any Asia nation.
I'm afraid that I can't understand the value of this news.
But, I have a feeling that something wrong with this news.
Because, most of mass media only reported the face of the value.
They did nothing but have a fixation about program rating,so they can't report the truth of the news.
It's they,not he,must be called the blindness, isn't it?
By he way, I think that music is not listening things but seeing things.
If you close your eyes and open your mind's eye, you will find the world of depth of music.
I've got a feeling from "Suite for ma dukes" by carlos nino.
I feel the beauty of soundscape of this EP tribute for J.Dilla is restructured by orchestra style.
Check it.
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- wired
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- 馬喰町
- 高城剛
- 高松聡
- 2.5D
- ai-da
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- alex from tokyo
- avec avec
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- bear pond espresso
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- future report
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- ghost in the shell
- goodness
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- grooveman spot
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- mark gonzales
- mark seven
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- metamorphose
- michel gondry
- minotaur tokyo
- mixcloud
- mixture
- mogwai
- momigai
- motorcycle diaries
- neo soul
- night channel
- north fairfax avenue
- novol
- nujabes
- oft2014
- only free paper
- opus
- orland
- Osaka
- ovall
- paranoid park
- passaze
- pipitica
- pocari sweat
- power of life
- prayforjapan
- punpee
- quolofune
- radio tope
- rei harakami
- ricaldinho
- S.L.A.C.K.
- sakae
- sampling-love
- SF
- shay that way
- shing02
- skyscanner
- slack
- slider
- so free
- sonar sao paulo 2012
- squarepusher
- starlet
- stoprokkasho
- store one
- streamer coffee
- sugar
- sumally
- supreme
- the bank
- the bird and the bee
- the collected fanzines
- the terminal
- toe
- tommy guerrero
- Tomoko Fujii
- trace
- trael
- transit
- transit tokyo
- travel
- trispace
- tristan prettyman
- Tumblr
- turntable lab
- urban hung suite
- vacant
- victor hendley
- waffle waffle
- waltz
- wax poetics japan
- will
- wired
- yardie
- アウフォト
- インターネット的
- オルカ
- グレート・リセット
- サカナクション
- サマータイムブルース
- ネトカノ
- ヒミズ
- フィッシュマンズ
- フクモリ
- ホテルニュートーキョー
- ミズモトアキラ
- ミックステーブ文化論
- モテキ
- 京都市長選挙
- 古賀茂明
- 夏の色を探しに
- 宇宙兄弟
- 安藤忠雄
- 小室哲哉
- 小田明志
- 川久保怜
- 弱虫ペダル
- 斉藤和義
- 旬風
- 村国座
- 松屋
- 松本
- 森道
- 渡辺俊美
- 焼鶏あきら
- 環ROY
- 矢沢永吉
- 自殺島
- 贖罪
- 進撃の巨人
- 金子ノブアキ
- 隙間
- 革命はテレビには映らない
- 馬喰町
- 高城剛
- 高松聡