表紙はTommy Guerrero.
Thome Brown然りNew York的なものが再評価されている昨今ですが、僕は東より西のカルチャーが好きです。
あと、courrier japanでも紹介されていたShepard Faireyも西の人だという事を初めて知りました。
彼のBarack ObamaをコラージュしたHOPEポスターも彼の作品だそうですが、DJの様に古いものと新しいものをミックスし、Andy Warholをサンプリングする感覚アリだと思います。
世界はFront line is everywhere?
I like "EYESCREAM" culture magazine that cover is Tommy Guerrero.
Thome Brown is merely receiving admission fees to New York today is that a re-evaluation, I love West coast culture than the East.
I sometimes listened to RHCP and RATM when I was in junior high.
I knew for the first time that Shepard Fairey who was introduced also with courrier japan is a person in the west.
The HOPE poster that was collaged Barack Obama is his work.
I like his work that influenced of Andy Warhol, and his sence of mixed up old and new like DJ.

Well, fight for my right to party.